Sasol’s Guerbet unit at Lake Charles achieves beneficial operation
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 - 4:47:38 PM
Mining Weekly

This is Sasol’s second Guerbet alcohol production site, with the other located in Brunsbuettel, Germany.

The Guerbet unit is the sixth LCCP production unit to be brought into production and has a nameplate capacity of 30 000 t/y, using Sasol’s proprietary technology.

All of LCCP’s specialty chemicals units are now on line and 86% of total nameplate capacity at the LCCP is operational.

Meanwhile, the Ziegler unit at LCCP, which achieved beneficial operation on June 16, is an extension of the existing Ziegler plant at Lake Charles and adds to existing Ziegler capacity in Brunsbuettel.

It is the largest of its kind in the world, adding nameplate capacity of 173 000 t/y of alcohol and 32 000 t/y year of alumina.

The Ziegler unit is the most technically complex of the LCCP units and is also based on Sasol’s proprietary technology.

The last remaining unit to come online at LCCP will be the low-density polyethylene plant, which was damaged in a fire in January.

It is on track to reach beneficial operation by the end of September.

At the end of May, the LCCP capital expenditure was tracking the previously communicated guidance of $12.8-billion.’s Guerbet unit at Lake Charles achieves beneficial operation
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