METS Ignited awards second round of funding to mining suppliers
Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - 5:17:26 PM
These recipients are IMDEX, the University of Western Australia, Manufacturing Intelligence, Emapper, Energetique Mining Vehicles, Qtec, Resolution Systems and Micronised Mineral Systems.

The largest share of the funding – A$2-million – was awarded to Resolution Systems, which is a South Australia-based business conducting a project to develop software that will increase the efficiency of mine truck fleets.
Other projects that received funding in this round include technology testing facilities, battery-powered vehicles for underground mining, data acquisition software for environmental rehabilitation and drilling, and a new process for water treatment.

The eight recipients of the funding will now be able to launch collaborative industry projects that will deliver highly advanced solutions to a variety of mining challenges and contribute to growth and capability of the METS sector.
The funding forms part of a four-year A$15.6-million commitment made by the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, to incentivise collaboration and address METS sector priorities.
This commitment established the METS Ignited Collaborative Project Funds, which supports industry-led projects to improve productivity, competitiveness and innovative capacity in the METS sector.
METS Ignited CEO Ric Gros said on Tuesday that the funding would spur necessary collaboration in the sector.
He added that recipients of the Collaborative Project Funds were required to secure equal or greater investment from an industry partner. This meant that the total value of the eight projects was A$17.4-million.
For METS companies interested in launching collaborative and innovative projects, applications are open for the third round of the Collaborative Project Funds until end-August. Ignited awards second round of funding to mining suppliers
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