Newcrest starts share trading in Canada
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - 2:42:38 PM
Mining Weekly
“A North American listing is part of our strategy of pursuing growth in the Americas following our 70% acquisition of the Red Chris mine in Canada in 2019, and our investments in Ecuador,” said MD and CEO Sandeeb Biswas on Wednesday.

“We have observed an increase in interest from North American investors in the gold sector over the last six months. When combined with our large existing North American shareholder base, it makes sense for Newcrest stock to be able to be traded in the time zone.

“We believe the TSX listing will improve the global visibility of the company and broaden our access to the large North American capital pool,” he added.

The company will retain its primary listing on the ASX, and its secondary listing on the Papua New Guinea Exchange market, also trading under the symbol NCM. starts share trading in Canada
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